Whatever you need, we’re here.
Services to Individuals & Families
Recovery Support & Coaching
A rapidly growing body of research shows the power of peer recovery support services to improve addiction recovery outcomes (click here to read a recent review paper by Dr. Eddie).
We provide one-on-one peer recovery support and coaching through face-to-face and online meetings. We can even attend appointments with clients to ensure they are asking the right questions and getting the best treatment possible.
For individual coaching we bill $135 per hour (or $75 for 30min / $45 for 15min).
Accountability Support
For clients that want some extra support and accountability, we offer the Vivi360 Solution from ViviHealth. The Vivi360 Solution includes a smartphone app that allows individuals to monitor their mood, behaviors, and recovery activities, with a peer consultant facing app that allows your consultant to keep track of your progress. The Vivi360 Solution can connect to FitBit devices and smartwatches to track activity, stress, and sleep, and can also link to BACtrack alcohol breathalyzer to facilitate convenient alcohol testing throughout the day.
Accountability support using the ViviHealth Companion app is $550 per month. This includes complete access to the ViviHealth Companion app and its features as well as the ViviCircle supporter’s app for loved ones (if desired). The monthly subscription also includes daily monitoring of your Vivi360 Solution dashboard by a designated recovery coach, and 30 minutes per week of direct contact with this coach who provides feedback and support. Our consultants can also provide accountability and monitoring through any other support platform you may be using like Soberlink.
Treatment Navigation
The addiction treatment landscape is vast and complex. Treatment options include medical detoxification, residential care, individual and group therapy in a wide range of treatment modalities, mutual-help programs like AA and SMART Recovery, faith-based recovery programs, and medications. There is no one right path to recovery – ultimately the best path is the one that works for you. We help our clients identify and access recovery support that works for them.
Sadly, the addiction treatment landscape is also filled with unscrupulous, for-profit treatment systems that make big promises, charge a lot, but deliver little in terms of real treatment and support. We provide objective, unbiased treatment recommendations to our clients.
Legal Mitigation Support
It’s not uncommon for people overcoming addiction to have legal issues they’re working through. Often this comes with court ordered mandates to document one’s recovery activities and sobriety, either for a judge, for opposing counsel, or for a probationary officer.
Our peer consultants can support clients with letters and documentation attesting to their recovery efforts and sobriety. Clients using the Vivi360 Solution can also have their consultant send breathalyzer results directly to the necessary parties. When needed, our consultants can even testify on our clients’ behalf.
Consultation to Families & Supporters
Watching a family member struggle with addiction is a nightmare, especially when you lack the knowledge or resources to cope effectively. We help families navigate the addiction treatment landscape to find treatment options that are a good fit for their loved-one and also offer good value for money.
We also help families and supporters manage the complexity of helping a loved one with addiction while setting appropriate limits.
Additionally, we recognize that families and supporters often need help caring for themselves while dealing with the trauma of watching a loved one struggle with addiction. Our consultants are here as a resource to you and to help you connect to care for yourself, should you want it, and to answer any questions you may have.
For family consultation and coaching we bill $135 per hour (or $75 for 30min / $45 for 15min).
Services to Government & Industry
Consultation to Government & Industry
There is rapidly growing interest in peer recovery support services among government healthcare agencies and the private healthcare sector. At the same time, most organizations lack the knowledge necessary to build out high-quality and robust peer recovery support programs.
With our extensive experience working with government and industry, we help programs integrate and manage peer recovery support services into their continuum of care. -
Educational Services
Employers are increasingly recognizing the important role they can play in supporting employees with addiction and in turn mitigate the burdensome cost of this difficult to treat problem.
Dr. David Eddie, Chris Savage, Ben Coffin, and Roger Oser provide educational seminars on substance use disorder and its treatment to both management and staff.
Recovery Support for Employees
We contract with government agencies and companies to provide peer recovery support services to their staff. The value of this service cannot be overstated. For a variety of reasons, the majority of people with substance use disorder never get the critical care they need.
Peer recovery coaches can not only provide critical support for employees struggling with substance use and behavioral addictions, they can bridge such employees to potentially life-saving treatment.
Our peer recovery coaches can also support individuals who are still contemplating making changes to their substance use.